Track Configuration

Configuration for each application will be managed by an instance of the track-manager service.

Configurations will be made available through a shared volume in each application’s docker container.

config.pb Files

Configurations are stored as protobuf files. The track-manager will store incoming configurations in the shared volume using the following convention:


When new configurations are available, the track-manager will send a config protocol message to the track and each application will be responsible for updating their configs with the new config.pb contents.

Application Volume Mapping

The config.pb file in each application container is accessible through a shared volume at:


The host machine where the ioFog agent is running will store shared configs at:


This allows multiple tracks to run on the same fog host.

The volume mapping from the host machine to each application container is performed in ioAuthoring on each element in the volume mappings section.

The JSON that defines this volume mapping is:

  "volumemappings": [
    {"hostdestination": "/iofog/config/<YOUR_TRACK_NAME>",
    "containerdestination": "/mnt/config",
    "accessmode": "rw"}