Track Manager

This edge application is core to Tempus Edge. It is the “brain” that allows for seamless control of individual tracks within a fog from both ioFog and Tempus.

This scala application takes initial configs from ioFog and stores them as a protobuf file.

This file is accessible to all track elements through a shared volume (mounted at /iofog/config/<YOUR_TRACK_NAME> on the host).

As updated configurations come from ioFog and Tempus (through the mqtt client element), Track Manager updates the protobuf config file and sends newConfig messages to the iofog message bus. Other elements in the track are then responsible for handling new configs in response to this newConfig message. Most often, this will involve loading configs from the protobuf file.

Expected IoFog Config

The following config JSON shows the expected format for an IoFog Container configuration. Each root-level field is optional:

  "trackMetadata": {
    "trackName" : "my-track",
    "trackId": 0,
    "metadata": "{myMetadata: meta}"

  "mqttConfig": {
    "subscriptions": [{
      "topic": "v1/devices/me/telemetry",
      "qos": 2
    "publishers": [{
      "topic": "v1/devices/me/telemetry",
      "qos": 2
    "broker": {
      "host": "",
      "port": 1883
    "securityType": 0,
    "user": {
      "username": "ioFogToken",
      "password": " "

  "opcConfig": {
    "endpoint": "opc.tcp://myHost:8080/myEndpoint",
    "securityType": 0

The following Volume Mappings config is expected for this element:

  "volumemappings": [
      "hostdestination": "/iofog/config/<YOUR_TRACK_NAME>",
      "containerdestination": "/mnt/config",
      "accessmode": "rw"

Do not forget to update <YOUR_TRACK_NAME> and make sure that all elements in this track have this same volume mapping config to ensure configs can be shared between containers.


Build the project and docker image using:

mvn package


Deploy this image to dockerhub and publish to ioFog. From there, the image can be used in your tracks.

Any configurations you need to make available to your track elements should be provided through ioAuthoring to this element.


If you need any help, please reach out to Randy Pitcher.