Python MQTT Client

This edge application is designed to act as a 2 way client between ioFog messages and MQTT messages. It is responsible for:

  • accepting incoming MQTT messages and converting them to outgoing ioFog messages
  • accepting incoming ioFog messages and converting them to outgoing MQTT messages

At this time, MQTT client is the core communication service between Tempus Edge and Tempus Cloud. Because of the way configuration is currently done, each Tempus Edge track will only support 1 MQTT client, which will always need to be Tempus Cloud.

In the future, this edge application may be split into the following 2 applications:

  • a dedicated Tempus Cloud client
  • a standard MQTT client

This will also result in separate TrackConfig entries for MqttConfig and TempusConfig based on the underlying MqttConfig.proto message definition.


Build the project and docker image using:


Supported Messages

The client supports the following incoming tempus edge messages:

Protocol Type MQTT-CLIENT Behavior
CONFIG UPDATE_ALERT updates current configs
DATA JSON attempts to convert the json string value into a MQTT message type then sends to the current broker.
DATA MQTT uses the qos, topic, and payload fields of the message to send an mqtt message to the current broker.
DATA OPC attempts to convert this message into an MQTT message type. qos is set to 2, topic is set to the value of the deviceName field, and payload is the byte array resulting from an fmt.Sprintf of the value oneof field where the formatting is based on the type of the oneof value. No set value will send an empty byte array as the payload

The client converts all messages from the current broker into DATA MQTT tempus edge messages and sends them to the iofog message bus.

payloads from the broker are not altered and are sent as the byte arrays that they are.


If you need any help, please reach out to Randy Pitcher.